REVIVAL advocate using exercise as the main therapy, which is different from other treatments that focus mainly on manual massage or traditional folk bone-setting. Our treatment philosophy is to increase mobility, establish basic muscle strength, and create a healthier body.

1 to 1 Physcial Therapy

#referral #paintreatment

We dissect and locate the source of pain. The best rehabilitative plan sometimes is the most integrative method.

Pre/Post-ACLR rehab and training

#aclr #exercisetherapy

From consultation prior to your surgery, to pain management and exercise programming after surgery, we have got it all covered. This will be tailored to your own sports-specific needs. Follow the plan, we can get you stronger than before.

Senior Fitness & Exercise

#sarcopenia #osteoporosis

Designed for the elder population, this program aims to improve mobility, strength, balance and cardio-vascular endurance which are essential to fight off mebolic syndrom like diatebes.

Spinal Health / Postural Correction

#沾黏 #肌筋膜調整放鬆

Once our specialist identidfies the type of scoliosis, we then aim to realign the spine to a more biomechanical advantagous position with exercises.

Post-surgery rehabilitation

#myofascialrestoration #adhesion

Immobilization periods after a surgery can cause significant adhesions. Revival team adopts a well-established rehab protocol to get you back to work or to play the sports you love.

Senior Fitness & Exercise

#sarcopenia #osteoporosis

Designed for the elder population, this program aims to improve mobility, strength, balance and cardio-vascular endurance which are essential to fight off mebolic syndrom like diatebes.

Spinal Health / Postural Correction

#bodybalance #roundshoulder #pelvictilting

Once our specialist identidfies the type of scoliosis, we then aim to realign the spine to a more biomechanical advantagous position with exercises.

Sleep Restoration

#insonmia #lightsleeper #migraine REVIVAL EX

There is a lot to know from just palpation of joints in the skull. Cranial-sacral therapy offers more than just “feeling” the harmony of the spine and skull, it booots the central nervous system to promote rest.

Initial Assesement

Based on your pain levels, posture, movement patterns, we conduct our preliminary examination to facilitate better exercise prescription and guide us to reiieve tension in your body.

Manual & Exercise Therapy

Depending on the issue, we will apply myofascial release, joint mobilization when appropriate. The combination of hands-on and movement-guided approach gives the body new inputs so we can move better.

Patient Education

We don’t just treat, we are here to teach you how to prevent injuries. So it is important to us that you know what to do to avoid secondary damage.

Initial Assesement

Based on your pain levels, posture, movement patterns, we conduct our preliminary examination to facilitate better exercise prescription and guide us to reiieve tension in your body.

Manual & Exercise Therapy

Depending on the issue, we will apply myofascial release, joint mobilization when appropriate. The combination of hands-on and movement-guided approach gives the body new inputs so we can move better.

Patient Education

We don’t just treat, we are here to teach you how to prevent injuries. So it is important to us that you know what to do to avoid secondary damage.


 Your initial assessment and treatment lasts one hour. Follow up visits are either 30 or 60 minutes depending on your therapist’s recommendation.

 Yes. After thorough history taking and evaluation, we start the therapy off with either modality, manual releases or exercses.

 Please bring along your diagnosis certificate. Also bring a pair of shorts if you wish to treated on your lower extremity for the ease of inspection.

 Everyone of us are accrediated by the MInistry of Examination. Our certificates are issued and empowered by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Licensing details are monitored by the Physical Therapist Worker Union in Taipei.

106, Taipei City, Da’an District, Lane 23, Rui’an Street, No.8-1, 1F
Contact number:02-27000277

Copyright © 2021 Revival Physical Therapy and Training Centre. All Rights Reserved

106, Taipei City, Da’an District, Lane 23, Rui’an Street, No.8-1, 1F
Contact number:02-27000277

Copyright © 2021 Revival Physical Therapy and Training Centre. All Rights Reserved

Patient Attendance Policy Agreement

Revival Physical Therapy and Training Centre strives to provide each patient with the highest quality of care while attempting to accommodate your schedule to your convenience.
Therefore, we provide reserved time slots for each patient with a specific therapist in order to minimize waiting times and assure continuity of your personal treatment. Your consistent attendance of the planned treatment regimen is paramount to your full recovery.

Cancellations, especially last minute ones, along with patient no-shows, decrease our ability to accommodate the scheduling needs of other patients. We must ask for your full cooperation with the following policy:

  •  If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, we request that you notify our office 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time via LINE, calling or email.
  • All cancellations and no-shows will be documented in our medical records and appropriately reported to your physician and insurance third party payer.
  •  If you accumulate 2 late cancellations or no-shows, your therapist may refer you back to your physician before scheduling another appointment or may choose to discharge you from the rest of the treatment without refund.
  •  If you do not honor a scheduled appointment either by late cancellation or no show, then you will be charged a fee at a maximum of $500, due upon your next scheduled visit.

We believe that this policy is necessary for the benefits of all patients, so that we can continue to provide high quality treatment and service to everyone.

All Revival Physical Therapy & Training Centre staff and patients appreciate your cooperation and adherence to this policy.




• 如果您沒法在預約⽇期及時間來治療,請您在預約⽇期及時間以前24⼩時以電話、電郵、LINE等通訊告知我們,若電話沒⼈接聽,請留下電話語⾳。
• 所有無故取消,失約或爽約,將會被紀錄在病⼈醫療紀錄。若您認為治療效果不佳,需要中⽌治療,可以坦誠與我們告知,我們很樂意為您做院內轉介,或到相關醫療院所做進⼀步的治療。
• 如果您累積了1次或以上的無故取消,失約或爽約,您的治療師有權利中⽌您的療程,或向您的主治醫師,或保險公司,匯報狀況。
• 若您因為無故取消,失約或爽約沒法信守預約看診的約定,本診所將保留在新⼀次預約看診收取額外費⽤,上限新台幣 $ 500 元
• 物理治療(包含療程配套)費⽤,因治療所需產⽣額外的儀器治療費⽤,或購買運動⽤品的費⽤,在任何情況下均不接受退費。本院所可接受轉讓剩餘課堂費⽤給別⼈使⽤。


