Hsiao follows the principles of “listening, attention, communication” in his apprach in physical therapy. He believes that by treating with sincereity he can help each and everyone to build resiiency in their own lives.
His rich experience in clinical practice has helped him to elevate this treatment methodology. Aside from being a physical therapist, he is also a trainer at RunBase, a running clinic for marathon athletes, and in his spare time he volunteers at the Eden Social Welfare Foundation to help the underpriviledged.
Hsiao is currently studying at National Taiwan Univeristy for his master degree in physical therapy. He strives to promote physical therapy to a broader level. When you are injured, physical therapists are your best partner.
Revival Physical Therapy and Training Centre strives to provide each patient with the highest quality of care while attempting to accommodate your schedule to your convenience.
Therefore, we provide reserved time slots for each patient with a specific therapist in order to minimize waiting times and assure continuity of your personal treatment. Your consistent attendance of the planned treatment regimen is paramount to your full recovery.
Cancellations, especially last minute ones, along with patient no-shows, decrease our ability to accommodate the scheduling needs of other patients. We must ask for your full cooperation with the following policy:
We believe that this policy is necessary for the benefits of all patients, so that we can continue to provide high quality treatment and service to everyone.
All Revival Physical Therapy & Training Centre staff and patients appreciate your cooperation and adherence to this policy.
• 如果您沒法在預約⽇期及時間來治療,請您在預約⽇期及時間以前24⼩時以電話、電郵、LINE等通訊告知我們,若電話沒⼈接聽,請留下電話語⾳。
• 所有無故取消,失約或爽約,將會被紀錄在病⼈醫療紀錄。若您認為治療效果不佳,需要中⽌治療,可以坦誠與我們告知,我們很樂意為您做院內轉介,或到相關醫療院所做進⼀步的治療。
• 如果您累積了1次或以上的無故取消,失約或爽約,您的治療師有權利中⽌您的療程,或向您的主治醫師,或保險公司,匯報狀況。
• 若您因為無故取消,失約或爽約沒法信守預約看診的約定,本診所將保留在新⼀次預約看診收取額外費⽤,上限新台幣 $ 500 元。
• 物理治療(包含療程配套)費⽤,因治療所需產⽣額外的儀器治療費⽤,或購買運動⽤品的費⽤,在任何情況下均不接受退費。本院所可接受轉讓剩餘課堂費⽤給別⼈使⽤。